Friday, November 30, 2007

Rainy Friday

Dashboard-NGS EOP
Conduct a small Dashboard-NGS EOP load test: sending 100 messages as quick as possible until the messages are queued and measure the time for the system to process all 102 packets and create the accompanying 385 packets.

Determined that it takes 6 seconds to process 1 message. Roughly the same to create the corresponding 385 packet.

eDoc SS combination search
Researching into result not found problem, looking at the log: the reason behind not finding the result POST ST DIRECTION equals to NE, it should be W. Implement screen capture after picklist action to see if the pick list action is being executed properly.

  1. Researching into exiting WR when encountering context sensitive error.
  2. IE Certificate error screen keeps poping up and WR doesn't handle it consistently, need to find a way to disable the sucker.

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