Friday, November 2, 2007

I Thought I Only Have To Turn In EPK Today

The day started with me testing Wei's order placement script using short form, it worked great but Wei didn't input all of the data into all of available fields, causing me to second guess there might be object(s) that trigger HTTPGet somewhere. Wei did the full field recording but I didn't have time to take a look at it. Will do that once everything is delivered.

After that, for the rest of the day, I was working on correlating script (create contact) from Latisha, I didn't want to try to find out where her problem with the script lies, instead, I decided to do it again using my method. I have already recognized this problem since I have been in her shoes before. I guess it takes one to two weeks for someone to be trained to correlate LR script, and a couple of months to understand the underlying intricacies of the tool.

I guess I pay for the fact that my team is under-trained, only two people in my team (not counting the manager) know how to properly record, correlate and script LR thus we are a bit behind with the Dashboard project. My bread and butter is writing Perl/WR, it was 2 years ago I created LR script properly. The others are mainly writing in Java for FT, hardly touch LR at all.

It doesn't matter, we delivered 4 out 5. I believe I could make it by testing the fifth script this Sunday.

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