Sunday, November 18, 2007

Perl 5.10 for People Who Aren't Totally Insane

Perl 5.10 for People Who Aren't Totally Insane

From: rjbs, 1 month ago

All the hype about perl 5.10 can sound a little intimidating. User-level pragmata! Overloadable smartmatching operator! Thread-safe refkey hashes! For Pete's sake, have you heard about lexically scoped pluggable regexp engines?

It's enough to make you think that 5.10's changes are just for the hard-core perl hackers, but it couldn't be further from the truth! The new version of Perl is full of changes that are easy to use and pack lots of useful benefits for doing plain old every day Perl programming.

We'll look at the new features, small and large, and see why you, too, will love 5.10.

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