Thursday, November 1, 2007

Creating LR Scripts for Dashboard Project

Since I am going to be working solely on one project this week, I decided to lump everything in one entry instead.

Tuesday: Writing C function for parsing JSON-esque response. Since LR supports C (and other imitation of languages), I have to work with the limitation of the library. I am beginning to miss Perl's RegEx/split function.

Wednesday: Login/Logout, and OrderSearch(by Address or Order Number) scripts are done. Negative testing the scripts against available data and fixes all discrepancies found. Get feed back from Craig and implement them.
Determining work flow for updating Escrow tasks, found out that document uploading function is not working.

Thursday: Sorting out problems encountered by the teams. Record, parameterized and merge updating Escrow tasks script to the main script. Consolidates all functions that drive open order (long form) work flow into one script for simplicity. Create proper work flow from creating order, find the order within a timeout loop (take some time for the SoftPro server to process and assign order number), and update escrow tasks. 3 out of 5 scripts are done. I have overcome my quota but the target is not met.

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