Friday, November 30, 2007

Jammed at 5 Freeway

This is the worst sigalert I have experienced in LA. Since it is raining in the morning and it hasn't been raining for a month, the roads are extremely slick. KPCC says: 'rash of accidents' happens. On I-5 south, around 3rd St exit in Santa Ana, an 18 wheelers and 4 cars tangled. It made such a mess, CHP has to close all of the lanes.

The are forced to open the HOV lane 1 hour later, to let people pass since the firemen haven't been able to retrieve a man stuck under the flatbed.

I missed the opening from I-5 to Main St exit when I came to full stop, and I have to slog for 2 miles in 1 hour (imagine that 2 mph @ 6 AM) to exit at the next ramp.

There goes my day, instead of 1 hour commute, I have to do it in 2.5 hours.


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