Wednesday, November 28, 2007

N810: The GPS System May Not Be So Hot - Afterall

Freeman fished this article out from Arstechnica titled: Nokia N810: unboxing and first impressions.

Bad news:
  • Free mapping software is disappointingly limited.
  • Commercial mapping software (WayFinder) offers 36 months license. And it will be available this December
  • Skype is inoperable.
  • No FM radio
  • No swiveling camera (for taking picture and video conference)
  • GPS signal quality
  • Power consumption with mapping software running.
The review of N800 cobbled GPS system itself is not very flattering. Now, should I march on with N810 or wait for the next generation of N800 with WiMax and GPS? I guess it depends on how expensive the WayFinder mapping software.

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