Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monkeys Count Too

From NPR: Researchers (Cantlon and Brannon) at Duke University conducted tests to gage the accuracy of arithmetics between 2 female rhesus monkeys (Boxer & Feinstein) and a group Duke undergrads.

This is one the findings:
And they [Boxer and Feinstein] were right about 75 percent of the time.
But this is the key difference between the species:
"When you take away language from a human during a math task like this," Cantlon said, "they end up looking just like a monkey.
Scary... the monkeys would be getting at least a B, and some poor humans (most likely from LAUSD) get F.

Basic Math in Monkeys and College Students
Paper @ Duke: How Much Does Number Matter to a Monkey (Macaca mulatta)?

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