Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dan Is Gone for Training These Two Days

Dashboard-NGS EOP
  • Analyze load tests conducted by Doug based on the size of order information.

eDoc SS combination search
  1. Fixed the certificate issue, the productivity of script execution jumps and more logs are being produced. Apparently WR browser event handling is not reliable for v9.2.
  2. Verification of search result is broken due to new grid object.
  3. Remove WR 8.2 and replace it with WR 9.2 on my desktop. I need to upgrade WR since I need to fix the search result verification.
  4. Fix the verification of searches, and deploy to execution machines.
  5. Writing Perl script to verify each scenario that's being executed with the WR execution and server log.
  • While swapping hard drive for Dan's broken machine, I found that we are running out of good machines. All better Dell machines are not working, busted motherboards.

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