Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Combination Search Project In Full Swing

eDoc SS combination search, writing Perl script to verify each scenario that's being executed with the WR execution and server log:
  • Write script to parse WR execution log.
  • Ponder: should I use sets to correlate search scenario (search criteria set) with sets of search criteria logged? Nah ... to much work. Index the search criteria using hash and compare it against the log.
  • Write script to get log files from archives, will not get the downloaded files again.
  • Write script to parse the log files for search criteria, index them and archive/delete the log files.
  • Write parsing routine to extract data from search scenario files, make sure the corresponding WR script is executed successfully and it exists in the search criteria index.
  • Dropping files off to online storage (originally 1.8GB left).

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