Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Leeching Moment - Last Day

Arrived at the hole 2AM in the morning after driving all the way from LA only to find non-working internet. Re-register the modem, no luck. Reboot modem - wait - no packet. Re-register the modem again, no internet. Tired, I decided to go to sleep.

Wake up 6:30AM hoping the people in St Louis have fixed it since they have a head start. No luck, no internet. Call the AT&T Broadband Customer Care, someone run basic test again and tell me to call back in 2 hours since he just files a ticket.

Why new ticket? The little voice in my head query - no time to think, time to work. Suckling the wifi at Starbucks at 7:30AM.

Around 10, I decided that I had enough fiddling with the script, decided to go home and follow up with AT&T. To my dismay, the pipe wasn't working and someone named Renee from AT&T had to hear me screaming like a mad man about their stupid bot closing the previous ticket and demanded her to follow up personally since today is the 6th day of their nonoperational service.

Miraculously, the internet starts working around 11:30 - yay!

Btw, I borrowed Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Gattaca, The Fountain and The Painted Veil from Sunnyvale Public Library.

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