Monday, May 18, 2009

Leeching Moment - Day #1

Started the day early, went to get my car diagnosed since it is severely overdue for one, Toyota sent me to the street in 1 hr at 8 AM with no vehicle problem, except dirty air filter. Not bad.

Next off to Peet's. Bad news, they only allowed me to leech for 2 hours max. Don't feel like asking for second wi-fi id since the quality of the pipe is bad, got kicked off the VPN several times and the speed is horrible. Fire up the EVDO 3G to finish a recording. Get out to Starbucks at 11 AM.

Starbucks is filled to the brim, with only 2 electrical outlets spotted, and they are all occupied.

Settle for Borders, fire up EVDO 3G again, work till 3PM. Finishing up at Sunnyvale Public Library.

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