Monday, October 6, 2008

Bush's Lackey Talks

Ok, I was driving along I-5 when this commentary came up via KPCC. I can not believe the audacity of the comparison between the bail out between Wall St and Main St.

Let's calculate the real number, shall we?
Pennsylvania Ave - 3T wasted on bailing out of the 51st state (Iraq).
Wall St - 700B (1st installment of many to come) + 85B AIG bail out + Lehman + ... = 900B
Main St - 100B for the stimulus package (1-2008) + 180B (supplement to 700B Wall St bail out) = 280B

Man ... Talk about progressive bail out. Me? Receive 0 dollar so far. This pisses me off, I haven't been bailed off, yet I am part of Main St.

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