Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bailout Related News

Ah... beautify morning, no bloody news and DJIA was up by 100+, CR quipped about TED spread being the highest (ever) at 4.13, and then NY Times broke a sobering news: U.S. Considers Cash Injections Into Banks.
Ms. Perino said the “capital injections” into the banks would involve “an equity stake” for the federal government but would not amount to a takeover.
LOL - what a good BS, this is hostile take over plan.

Apparently Treasury intended to execute the plan, played by the Brits yesterday. This caused DJIA to tank 670 something points. Later, NY Times provided explanation: Plan B: Flood Banks With Cash. No wonder the rabbits were running away from the hole.

Skimming through Economists (latest edition):
Silent busts: More Chinese businesses are collapsing—though you would never know it

DJIA 8579.19 -678.91 (-7.33%)

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