Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chuck Norris' Roundhouse Kick

Another Chuck Norris dialogue by John Hodgman:

New Orleans: What is the force of a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick?

John Hodgman: The force of a single roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris=one American Chuck.
In England, however, they use the old Imperial Chuck, which is the equivalents to 1.34 American Chucks.
That is all.

Where Is Your Cheese?

Found the best analogue between the bankers, who are supposed to safe guard the financial system, and the doctors:
When Britto started learning how to fly an airplane back in the 1999,
he was struck by how much easier it was for pilots to accept flight
support software. "I asked my flight instructor what he thought
accounted for the difference," Britto said. "He told me, 'It is very
simple, Joseph. Unlike pilots, doctors don't go down with their
Super Crunchers by Ian Ayres, Pg. 110 - Ch. 4 How Should Physician Treat Evidence-Based Medicine?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Syndicating Website Updates

Several good websites just don't have the latest technology, e.g.: News Releases page of National Ignition Facility web page doesn't have RSS feed. Yet, they have the biggest laser gun that you want to pay attention to.

Kephra is another editor written in Perl and wxPerl, it is very promising project, but it still doesn't have the major functionality that I want: folding. I need to monitor the updates from time to time.

Knowing me, I'll forget to visit them later in the future.


Currently the script downloads those two web pages, parse the news section for updates and send it to my GMail account. There are several reasons why it has to go to GMail:
  1. Google Reader for Mobile (GRfM) on BlackBerry is web based application, extremely slow to skip junks.
  2. GRfM is build on GWT framework: the URL of all anchors begins with[URL encoded URL]. It is extremely messy and unusable when I want to email it and save the URL to delicious later.
  3. GMail client on BlackBerry is well suited for quick feed browsing (it supports short cuts), except it suffers at displaying web content: it doesn't display format, image and anchor (let along embedded web content), but it does recognize URL in plain text and anchor it.
  4. GMail has been my premier to do list, I just star the item as a reminder to delicious it - yumm.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Me Too - In The State Of Shock And Disbelief

I am in the state of shock and disbelief over Greenspan's state of shock and disbelief.

This is the problem: the people, he thought, would safe guard the system could live in relative comfort - 7 live times over - even if the system recesses by 50%.

The scenario could be a lot different, if the people that safe guard the system should stand to lose their wealth (along with their heads) if the system recesses by 10%.

It is all about incentives.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Gordon Ramsay at The London

1020 N. San Vicente Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Tel: (310) 358-7788

It is alright --

Friday, October 17, 2008

BlackBerry 8830

Go to hell with the world, they can follow CR, he blogged while hiking too.

I am in love with my new BB8830.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BB8830 World Edition

Just received the good, makes me wonder: what is world edition?

Next: customization time!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bailout Related News

DJIA 9387.61 +936.42 (11.08%)

You thought DJIA is good indicator of credit crisis? CR begs to differ: Credit Crisis: Watching for Signs of Progress. BTW, that TED spread still too high: 4.5+.

I would have put that article on my best reading for today if only Krugman wasn't chosen today as a Nobel Laureate. Congratulation!

Free money! NY Times: U.S. Investing $250 Billion in Banks. According to this graph: BOA 25B, Citigroup 25B, JPMorgan Chase 25B, Wells Fargo 25B, Goldman Sachs 10B, Morgan Stanley 10B, Bank of New York 2-3B, State Street 2-3B. Should I be happy about this?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great DJ By The Ting Tings

Never use bad headphones.
Give any music a second chance.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beautiful Day

Apparently the Canadian left the door opened last night and chilly wind blew across Southern California.

The result, chill, clear day bathed by the warmth from the sun.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bailout Related News

Mr Bush spoke this morning at 10:30 PT and I think he spooked the wrong people since the DJIA tanked. I didn't parse his speech since I was in bug hunting mode.

CR wasn't too happy about the credit market: TED spread hit 4.65.

G7 said something vanilla and Krugman was not impressed at all.

DJIA 8451.19 -128.00 (-1.49%)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bailout Related News

Ah... beautify morning, no bloody news and DJIA was up by 100+, CR quipped about TED spread being the highest (ever) at 4.13, and then NY Times broke a sobering news: U.S. Considers Cash Injections Into Banks.
Ms. Perino said the “capital injections” into the banks would involve “an equity stake” for the federal government but would not amount to a takeover.
LOL - what a good BS, this is hostile take over plan.

Apparently Treasury intended to execute the plan, played by the Brits yesterday. This caused DJIA to tank 670 something points. Later, NY Times provided explanation: Plan B: Flood Banks With Cash. No wonder the rabbits were running away from the hole.

Skimming through Economists (latest edition):
Silent busts: More Chinese businesses are collapsing—though you would never know it

DJIA 8579.19 -678.91 (-7.33%)

BB8703e Replacement

Conversation around 2PM PT

Debbie: Are you ready for your new phone?
Me: Yeah!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bailout Related News

This morning, the Fed dropped the key interest rate 0.5% to 1.5%, along with its buddies around the world. And why is shocked?
NPR: Fed Orders Emergency Cut In Key Interest Rate
NPR: Fed Cuts Rate In Conjunction with Europe
Market Place: Coordinated rate cuts unprecedented

I was wondering where are these people getting their TED spread graph, now i know, thanks to NPR Money Blog.

I was chuckling yesterday when McCain mentioned 'stabilizing home value'. Yeah, how do you stabilize a bursting bubble? After thinking the debate through, I thought: yet another debate, nothing to blog about. What I didn't expect was he is dumb enough to run with a new plan. 300B? I'll try to default too, sign me up! Let's race to the bottom.
NPR: McCain Proposes $300 Billion Mortgage Buyout Plan

A.I.G. got another blood transfusion, now the real question is: How much will the execs blow off for fun? Last time they blew off 400K in CA.
NY Times: Fed Gives A.I.G. $37.8 Billion Loan
NPR: AIG Executives Visit Posh Retreat After Bailout

DJIA 9,258.10 -189.96 (-2.01%) - still the God of Destruction is not appeased.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bailout Related News

Several stuff happened today/late last night:

NPR: Mr. Bailout: The Man Chosen To Oversee $700B, eerily reminded me of Paulson. Mr Suck Up or is it plain shaving accident?

NPR: Bernanke Hints At Rate Cuts, as the market tumbles.

This American Life: Episode 365: Another Frightening Show About the Economy, listening to this just ruined my day.

DJIA 9,447.11 -508.39 (-5.11%) - Fed buying CP doesn't appease Wall St too.

Fed To Fund Commercial Paper (Asset Backed Or Not)

FRB: Press Release--Board announces creation of the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) to help provide liquidity to term funding markets.
The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday announced the creation of the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), a facility that will complement the Federal Reserve's existing credit facilities to help provide liquidity to term funding markets. The CPFF will provide a liquidity backstop to U.S. issuers of commercial paper through a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that will purchase three-month unsecured and asset-backed commercial paper directly from eligible issuers. The Federal Reserve will provide financing to the SPV under the CPFF and will be secured by all of the assets of the SPV and, in the case of commercial paper that is not asset-backed commercial paper, by the retention of up-front fees paid by the issuers or by other forms of security acceptable to the Federal Reserve in consultation with market participants. The Treasury believes this facility is necessary to prevent substantial disruptions to the financial markets and the economy and will make a special deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in support of this facility.

OMG - why do we have to do the stupid 700B when we could do this too boost liquidity in the first place?

100 Skills Every Man Should Know

Scored 28 - man that is low. Also: do I have to have a kid to prove that I am a man?

Popular Mechanics: 100 Skills Every Man Should Know: 2008's Ultimate DIY List

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bailout Related News

NY Times: Lehman Managers Portrayed as Irresponsible, this public flogging will not help the situation.

DJIA 9,955.50 -367.02 (-3.56%) - exciting, 700B bailout virgin doesn't appease Wall St.

Bush's Lackey Talks

Ok, I was driving along I-5 when this commentary came up via KPCC. I can not believe the audacity of the comparison between the bail out between Wall St and Main St.

Let's calculate the real number, shall we?
Pennsylvania Ave - 3T wasted on bailing out of the 51st state (Iraq).
Wall St - 700B (1st installment of many to come) + 85B AIG bail out + Lehman + ... = 900B
Main St - 100B for the stimulus package (1-2008) + 180B (supplement to 700B Wall St bail out) = 280B

Man ... Talk about progressive bail out. Me? Receive 0 dollar so far. This pisses me off, I haven't been bailed off, yet I am part of Main St.


WTF - Temperature variances are high!


NPR Will Implement OpenID - Just Not Now

Great! I just noticed that NPR put comment box at the end of the article.

But, I'll wait until OpenID is implemented - just as promised or hoped.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Spring Street Smoke House

640 N. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: (213) 626-0535

Saturday, October 4, 2008

California's Financial Problem Causes USA To Pay 700B

Huh -

I didn't expect Boxter comes forward to clean her hands so quickly, apparently nanny needs to roll over her credit cards, badly.


Paulette Macarons

9466 Charleville Boulevard at Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 275-0023

After Mozza, we decided to go to LA Farmers Market at Fairfax and walked into Mr. Marcel Gourmet Market, I found out that they sell macarons by Paulette. Lisa tasted one of them and green lighted me to buy them.

We brought it home and I am instantly hooked after eating the sweet wedding almond, besides: it doesn't taste like the original macarons - it's better!

Pizzeria Mozza

641 N. Highland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel:(323) 297-0101

We (Lisa, John and I) had:
  • Bone Marrow al forno
  • Funghi misti, fontina, taleggio & thyme
  • Tomato, mozzarella, sausage, salami, bacon & guanciale
  • Butterscotch budino

Friday, October 3, 2008

Free BlackBerries!

Holly molly! Sprint throws away tons of BlackBerries (8830) to LPS.

We'll see when I'll receive mine.

Bail Out Is Passed By House

NPR: House Passes Financial Bailout Bill.

This is the list of the sell outs.

I'll give Paulson 4 months to vaporize the fund. Apparently Krugman agrees. Have fun paying it back America.

Whoa! I don't know that NPR could be so cynical by equating the bailout of the riches to WWII and Civil Rights: Bush's Quick Signature Not Unprecedented.
The House of Representatives passed the big bailout and almost immediately President Bush signed the measure. There have been other occasions when the wheels of government have moved this quickly: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's declaration of war on Dec. 8, 1941, and President Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Bill on July 2, 1964.

California Bans Texting While Driving

Nanny state in action again, according to SB 28 (status), a person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communications device to write, send, or read a text-based communication.

It was approved by Governor Schwarzenegger at September 24, 2008.

KPCC (August 22, 2008 2:55 PM) Bill to ban texting while driving passes both houses in Legislature.
KPCC (August 25, 2008 9:58 AM) Text messaging while driving may soon be illegal.

Best Response so far from How about putting on Make-up and driving? Can’t they ban that too!?!

While it is rolling down the hill, why not ban:
  • sleeping
  • daydreaming
  • fiddling with your stereo
  • finding stuff in your glove box
  • ... (help me find ridiculous idea and put it in the comment box)
while driving.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You May Now Mount Your GPS Properly

Nanny state decided that you now may mount GPS on your windshield, read carefully certain restrictions apply.

Engadget: Windshield GPS mounting legalized again in California.
California State Senate: SB 1567: Windshield: GPS device by Oropeza, chaptered.