Wednesday, June 18, 2008

YAPC NA 2008 - Day 3

Woke up crappy but all in one piece.

Attend James E Keenan - ‎Parrot and Perl 6 Workshop‎, it was horrible since I couldn't full compile the Parrot code, the bitched about cl not found. Coke told me to run --verbose and I realized I was missing ws2_32.lib file. I thought I need to install PDK, but the session ended before the PDK was downloaded.

[Skipped lunch]

Lightning Talk has already begun when I showed up and I could only remembered: cog frag was talking about PyConf.

Googlemen were creepy and confusing. They played bad cop and bad cop very well.

[Met Rich Derr and Robert Pfankunche with Jen for dinner @ Rock Bottom Brewery]

1 comment:

José Castro said...

cog was talking about PyConf

Actually, Mike Fragassi was the doing giving that talk (and a fine talk it was).

I just gave my Lessons I take from Chicago and did the Impromptu Lightning Talks thing :-)