Wednesday, June 18, 2008

YAPC NA 2008 - Day 2

It was a bloodier morning since I couldn't sleep well, and as I found out later, no amount of coffee could sustain my attention.

I like all of the morning presentations:
Maxim Grigoriev - Perl XML Binding framework (PXB) - A bit slow and Maxim totally blew the time but I like it since it synced with my wavelength. Managed to see that my implementation of data structure of XSD resembles Maxim's data structure. I think I am on the right track with my project.
Dave Rolsky - Fey(::ORM), YA(F)ORM - should I implement this for data check for importer?
Perrin Harkins - Scaling Databases with DBIx::Router - I don't think I would use this, but it is a good presentation and knowledge.
Stevan Little - Moose - A post modern object system for Perl5 - It was a good presentation but I'll reserve the comment about Moose to myself.
Patrick Michaud - Rakudo: Perl 6 on Parrot - It was interesting, but my bio-sign was running low. Pardon the snore.

[Lunch at the China Town with Alvin and Jen]

Skipped Kent Cowgill -Testing Code and Assuring Quality and Leonard Miller - Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy, Your guide to better programming practices since I had to run to dorm, suffered from stomach problem.

[Attend job fair]
DRW Trading Group only hires local Chicago resource (no telecommute).
ITA only hires local Boston resource (no telecommute).
CheetahMail hires QA manager/engineer local to Manhattan (no telecommute).

I enjoyed Patrick Michaud - Building Compilers with the Parrot Compiler Toolkit but I totally blanked on Bob Rogers - Advanced control structures in Parrot.

[TPF Perl / Eclipse Integration Project BOF is cancelled]

No matter ... banquet and auction afterwards were entertaining. I won a book (Google Apps Hacks, 1st Edition, by Philipp Lenssen), an ActiveState t-shirt, and 2 pins for $55.

BeerBoF was almost a dud, Jeremy was half awake, but thankfully Devon saved the day by rounding up some people for TheGreatDalmutiBoF. Magog and gang showed up later to combine MartiniBoF.

Slept at 3AM after consigning Jeremy's bags at the front desk.

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