Friday, October 5, 2007

I Hate .*LOB

Today's lesson : I hate .*LOB.

First pain: there is no working DBI-Oracle PM for Perl 5.6. Now I have to switch to my stand alone Perl 5.8 (according to IPhang: it should work).

Second pain: the ppm GUI decided to die after buffer overflow. I know: oraociei10.dll is 91MB and gzoraociei10.dll is 30MB. So I have to fall back to the olde ppm command line.

Third pain: Oracle connection string, which one to choose? There are tons of non-working possibilities, in the end I picked tnsname.

Fourth pain: DB schema hell - each legal document type has it's own table (whiskey-tango-hotel?). Must insert additional logic here.

Last pain: getting the CLOB value (thank god - no inserting for today). Reading through the pod, tons of non-working examples and hints, I realized that:
  1. Must know the length of the CLOB in advance. (select length(CLOB) from table)
  2. Set the LongReadLen to the length of the CLOB
  3. Get the CLOB (select CLOB from table) - voilĂ  - the magic works.

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