Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pissed Off While Watching The Pissing Contests

In regards to RubyForge vs CPAN -

Dear advocate:
1. Why conduct statistical analysis on the repositories? It doesn't mean anything, I think it is better to dig into CPAN, compare the similar modules from Ruby and Perl, down to the features level. Simple statement such as:

... CPAN still has the edge in database interfaces, Apache libraries and wrappers for 3rd party commercial libraries, among a few other things ...

rang really hollow. We know Perl is better since Perl started first (Come to think about it: it is one of the main reasons why I picked Perl in the first place). Identify the modules which people would like to have first and work on it (not necessary porting it since I know tons of sucky PM).

2. I maybe wrong but I am pretty sure there are missing functionalities in Perl modules, identify them and the hordes will be more than happy to cover.

3. Don't you gloat: "We don't need no stinking Tie". Some guys just like wearing tie. It makes you look nice and trim, although it means choking O2 supply to the brain.

Let's get back to work. We got lots of holes to cover, bigger fish to fry and bugs to kill.

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