Friday, September 28, 2007

Generating XML Test File From XSD, part 1

Several weeks ago, I was handed a test automation project, which tasks were pretty simple:
  1. Upload several XML files (for several test cases) to a folder in a UNIX machine.
  2. Execute shell script to upload the files to MQ
  3. Validate the messages from MQ are picked up and processed by agents,
  4. Make sure the data is properly placed at the database
All of the test steps, validation and reporting are simply automated with the help of Net::SSH::Perl.

Fortunately, the automation project didn't end there, the company is moving forward and it is working on receiving data from other companies/software systems (source). And in order for our system to be able to properly process the XML data from the source, I was informed that the developers from our side are sharing XSD files with the source developers.

The XML files are grouped by the type of legal documents and companies/software systems, and assigned with one XSD file.

Since there are multiple XSD files are involved, it is crucial that the QA team has the capability to quickly generate the XML test files to test the processing system and provide greater test coverage.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

HTML Progress Bar

This is a pretty neat HTML progress bar hack that I found while reading through Barbie's presentation on becoming CPAN tester.

Basically, it is taking several monochromatic image files and altered the width to fit the ratio of progression.

<img src="green.png" width="75.4465161923454" height="16"/>
<img src="red.png" width="4.55348380765456" height="16"/>

I implemented it to sweeten the result page.

Great Halloween Swag

Interesting and wonderful - perfect for halloween costume. Filed it under 'todo'.

Originally uploaded by silvertje

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

First MP3 File From Amazon

I just bought my first MP3 from Amazon... since I got a new iPod nano from Apple, plus has been raving on the website several times (subtle marketing - package a news with along with commercial interest).

The front page of the amazonmp3 was pretty amazing, it began with a proclamation of "MP3 Music Downloads for Any Media Player!". Yes, I was sold on that very idea, no DRM that's lurking in the darkness and pounces you whenever it wants to.

Going down the page: I saw lots of shiny albums, skipped, not interested. New songs: 1 2 3 4 was on #4 of Today's Top MP3 songs list, some old ones from Pavarotti on the right, and bla3. I wasn't interested, it felt pre-packaged and I don't like packaged stuff unless it is cubical.

Instead, I fired up Google and looked for theme songs from House, yes, I am a big fan of the series and the theme music/songs. Hmmm, found: "Are you alright?" by Lucinda Williams. Copy the whole thing and paste it into the search text box and quickly hit the Go button.

Your search ""Are you alright?" by Lucinda Williams" did not match any products.

What? Apparently someone need to fix the search engine.

Trimming the search to "Lucinda Williams" returned list of songs and I did text search of "Are you ..." and FireFox highlighted the title, ... bingo ...

Previewing the song was a nice experience (it played instantly without asking me which player to use), but it is a hit and miss experience since I had to select Real on several instances afterwards.

Checking out the file was a painless process, click Buy MP3 button, put in my CC# and info then I downloaded the file. Did I mention that the MP3 bit rate was 256kbps? Nice. Although I would bow down if it was asking me which format I wanted it to be.

After enjoying the song, I was happy that the store sent me the purchase statement. Double nice.

Now, let's browse for more songs! Maybe I could add a wish list, buy an album and ... everything just went downhill afterwards.

First of all. Stop pushing the tiny app called Amazon MP3 Downloader. Yes, I heard it gives you a free song, but it is a stinky one: I would prefer a song from The Eagle instead. Flickr could upload multiple files automatically, so why couldn't amazonmp3 do that in-reverse?

Second, not all songs are available, I am fine since the sharks need to iron out the details, but guys: at least jot down our wish list and notify us when paper battles are done.

Third, please add a shopping cart for MP3 files. It was a shocking experience when I realized that I could quickly buy 1234 in one click.

In the end I couldn't decide if I like the store. Yeah, it was stocked pretty well, but I guess it is alright. It is still in beta shape and I hope it gets better from here.

Pissed Off While Watching The Pissing Contests

In regards to RubyForge vs CPAN -

Dear advocate:
1. Why conduct statistical analysis on the repositories? It doesn't mean anything, I think it is better to dig into CPAN, compare the similar modules from Ruby and Perl, down to the features level. Simple statement such as:

... CPAN still has the edge in database interfaces, Apache libraries and wrappers for 3rd party commercial libraries, among a few other things ...

rang really hollow. We know Perl is better since Perl started first (Come to think about it: it is one of the main reasons why I picked Perl in the first place). Identify the modules which people would like to have first and work on it (not necessary porting it since I know tons of sucky PM).

2. I maybe wrong but I am pretty sure there are missing functionalities in Perl modules, identify them and the hordes will be more than happy to cover.

3. Don't you gloat: "We don't need no stinking Tie". Some guys just like wearing tie. It makes you look nice and trim, although it means choking O2 supply to the brain.

Let's get back to work. We got lots of holes to cover, bigger fish to fry and bugs to kill.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

2006 Pinot Grigio by Wine Cube

I bought this from Target because of the nice packaging. Yes, I am a big sucker for cubic boxes, especially the avocado one.

Reading from the package, this is a Target branded product filled with the goodness from Trinchero Family Estates, St Helena, CA (a.k.a Napa).

Reading further, I found this excuse: Sensible - Wine lovers in Europe have been enjoying fine wines in alternative packages like this one for years. bla3. Eliminating two heavy bottles makes the Wine Cube savings and quality yours to enjoy.... (I hope Target doesn't DCMA the content of the box). But I guess I am sold.

I'll consume this with the left over lemon and pepper chicken tomorrow, we'll see if I made a mistake.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tweaking Blogger's Template

I spend these couple of days learning and tweaking the template.

I found that the old (a.k.a classic) template to be cumbersome, and I like the new so called "lay-out" template better. Why?

Because the new one works, somehow the classic template is not functioning properly.

Using Prototype-B as the sandbox, I formatted it like a website now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Remote System Monitoring

While scouring YAPC::EU::2007 slides, I stumbled upon this slide: Remote System Monitoring (w. Notes)
From: rgiersig, 1 day ago

Monday, September 3, 2007

Little Project Called Prototype-B

First, created a blog. Ya, I know the name is cheesey, but that is the only logical name available at
Linked some documents from Google D&S to for demo.
Rearranged and edited the main page.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

What A Crazy Week

It started early last Tuesday, and I was feeling good when the day ended: the impossible task of figuring out the proper data was completed.

Wednesday was another story. I knew from my previous experience, working on that JSP framework, that the LoadRunner script is bad if it wasn't properly scrutinized. After looking at the testing scripts I realized that I need to fix lots of scripts. Suffice to say that it was a long Wednesday night.

I wasn't thinking straight when the test blew up on Thursday morning, and spent the rest of the day wondering what was wrong and planned on the next testing cycle.

Friday was spent figuring out how to arrange the script in order for me to quickly update it when the application is changing.

Ran several tests on Saturday, figuring out the impact of changing the script. The result is not good.