Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Genius Of Exchanging Wood/Rock for Gold

Burn traitors 20 energy
10 warriors Warriors
4,000 wood Wood

Requirement Info

This item is required and will also be depleted from your stats/inventory.
23-28 experience
3000-3250 goldGold

Quest Successful!

A rip roaring fire and the crackling of human fat goes a long way to pacifying the populace.

You used: 20 energy, 4000 wood
You gained: 27 experience, 3051 gold

Repair outer walls 20 energy
10 warriors Warriors
4,000 stone Stone

Requirement Info

This item is required and will also be depleted from your stats/inventory.
23-27 experience
3000-3250 goldGold

Quest Successful!

Solid stone walls make for good neighbors.

You used: 20 energy, 4000 stone
You gained: 23 experience, 3111 gold

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