Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Genius Of Exchanging Wood/Rock for Gold

Burn traitors 20 energy
10 warriors Warriors
4,000 wood Wood

Requirement Info

This item is required and will also be depleted from your stats/inventory.
23-28 experience
3000-3250 goldGold

Quest Successful!

A rip roaring fire and the crackling of human fat goes a long way to pacifying the populace.

You used: 20 energy, 4000 wood
You gained: 27 experience, 3051 gold

Repair outer walls 20 energy
10 warriors Warriors
4,000 stone Stone

Requirement Info

This item is required and will also be depleted from your stats/inventory.
23-27 experience
3000-3250 goldGold

Quest Successful!

Solid stone walls make for good neighbors.

You used: 20 energy, 4000 stone
You gained: 23 experience, 3111 gold

Monday, January 12, 2009

50 Most Loathsome People In USA 2008, According To Buffalo Beast

I liken this one:
13. Joe Lieberman

Charges: A fickle, flabbery fiend reviled by both parties, Lieberman somehow finds himself more powerful than ever, failing forward by virtue of the Democrats’ unfalteringly chumpish lack of discipline. After promising that he was “not going to go to…the Republican convention, and spend my time attacking Barack Obama,” Lieberman went to the Republican convention and attacked Barack Obama. But that was just the beginning of his descent into a self-dug hole of betrayal that should have proved inescapable. Lieberman thought it was “a good question” to ask if Obama was a Marxist. He campaigned not just with McCain, but with Palin and down-ticket Republicans, another thing he said he wouldn’t do. But the most loathsome trait Lieberman exhibits is that most loathsome of all: Smearing dissent as treasonous. The kind of suppressive asshole who would accuse you of helping terrorists by beating him at checkers should not be Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and is not someone worth rewarding for his own dissent.

Exhibit A: “In matters of war, we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril.” “Sen. Obama doesn't come to this debate with a lot of credibility.”

Sentence: Lieberman awakes to find himself in the body of an impoverished Iraqi living in a small apartment with 12 family members and no electricity. Shocked by this inexplicable turn of events, he stumbles outside and cries to God, looking up just in time for the white phosphorous to hit him in the face.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Coffee Production

Taken from The Economist: Coffee King