Thursday, August 28, 2008

Omnivore 100

Following Justin Mason's Omnivore 100, I decided to do one of mine.

It is created using Google doc and it is published here.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lightscreen Portable

I am following RSS of Portable Apps and 3 days ago the outfit released Lightscreen: an application that automates tedious task of saving the screen shots to files. The application saves the image of screen/window/screen, stored in clipboard, to a specified folder (several formats available: jpg, bmp or png), and the files are distinguished by number or time stamp.

This application would be a good addition to the toolbox of any QA person, and the portable nature of this application allows it to be used on any computer by user, even the one that has the lowest permission.

The application is available for download here.

Groogy Day

It is not my intention to bore people, who happened to encountered this channel, by writing dry excerpts of what have I done in the office for a day ... but I believe it keeps me sane.

AgentTrax smoke test scripts execution @ qaweb-jax always fail with unknown application server failure. To remedy this, I am switching it to 4:ooAM PT from 6:00.

Trax smoke test scripts execution @ scmjaxbld2 is fully automated, double clicking RDP icon will launch the smoke test for qac environment. This environment is reserved for SCM people.

Setting up Trax smoke test scripts execution @ qaweb-jax, this environment is reserved for QA.
  1. Merge Trax's Common library to main, execute AgentTrax's helpdesk script to verify.
  2. Removing static folder references in Trax's code.
Pack and send LoadRunner controller machine to JAX.

Side note: JAX office is closed due to Hurricane Fay.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gremlins In The System

HP machines for Dan and FJ arrive today, will add Windows XP to the secondary drive. While building the XP special installation image, I accidentally killed the FAT32 table of my flash drive, I pay this mistake dearly: staying up late restoring the files.

I have no idea why the Trax automation script fails fairly often today. Also, RDP process is sucking CPU resources dry when the Trax automation script is running. DLP (fcag.exe) is acting up too.

Side note: JAX office is closed due to Hurricane Fay.

Installed OS4.2.1.119 On BB8703e

Upgrade from OS4.2.1.110. I am digging through the web for change notes for this version.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


  1. Transferred AgentTrax smoke test scripts to qaweb-jax, set the tests to go off daily.
  2. AgentTrax: lender1 script is barfing at bus_nm for lal. Still examining the SQL.
  3. Trax application is down today - can't do anything.
  4. Didn't do anything on eDoc Portal

Sansa e260 Media Player @ Woot

Have to decline:
  1. Hate the custom USB cable: I hate having tons of cable, USB A-B should suffice.
  2. File transfer has to go through special software
  1. The price is sweet: 4GB for 40$ total
  2. Expansion slot for Micro SD
  3. FM tuner & recorder
I have iPod Nano, but I hate it since it is such a pain to upload audio files, plus it doesn't have FM tuner. Looks like I have to wait until Creative drops something on woot.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Slavoj Zizek On Love

I was cleaning up the RSS items when I stumble upon this post from MR about Slavoj Zize:
Q: What does love feel like? A: Like a great misfortune, a monstrous parasite, a permanent state of emergency that ruins all small pleasures.
Q: Have you ever said 'I love you' and not meant it? A: All the time. When I really love someone, I can only show it by making aggressive and bad-taste remarks.
Ah ... the curse of men.

A Month Of Using Twitter

After a month of usage, I believe it is a pretty good platform to monitor the quick status of the person/entity, you are following and jotting down random non-sense.

I need to blow these nags out:
  1. The 140 characters limitation is cramping my style!
  2. No line breaks.
  3. Invite from other networks function keeps crashing and burning.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Time In SNA

Modern, narrow, and tall: those are the qualities that rush through my mind when I stepped into the terminal.

If only I knew iphang will be late, I could have paid more attention to the details of geek traveling amenities: electrical outlet/station, wifi and elixir of life dispensers (coffee vendors).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ramen House Ryowa

859 Villa St
Mountain View, CA 94041
Tel: (650) 965-8829

Friday, August 8, 2008

Weekend In San Jose

Gitesh and co are visiting family up there and I decided to tag along. We started the trip from the office at 2:45, but it took more than 3 hours to go through the muck of LA's Friday afternoon traffic.

In the end, I arrived at the hotel around 10:30PM.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Nobody Drive 55 MPH Anymore in SoCal

I was driving 55 mph all the way to Simi Valley to conserve fuel, amazingly, I noticed that people were still driving 70 mph on average.

We are doomed...

Friday, August 1, 2008

No LA Tofu Festival This Year

Tofu Festival Killed
Quoting from The Official Site, which content might change anytime:
Dear Tofu Festival Attendees, Vendors and Supporters,

Thank you for your many years of support. We’ve enjoyed delicious tofu dishes with you under the sun for the last twelve years and thank you for helping to make the LA Tofu Festival one of the top food festivals in Los Angeles. As redevelopment in Little Tokyo and Downtown Los Angeles continues to boom, venues for such a large scale event have become scarce.

As they say, all good things must come to an end and so the Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) says farewell to the LA Tofu Festival. We hope you will continue to frequent the restaurants, shops and events in Little Tokyo. We also hope you’ll stay in touch with the LTSC family and join us at “La Vida Sake,” the 3rd Annual Sake and Food Tasting Benefit on Thursday, May 22nd. For other sponsorship opportunities, please contact Noelle at


The LA Tofu Festival
Damn, I was looking forward to attend this event.