Monday, August 31, 2009

Cable Problem Causing The Internet To Fritz

Today, the DSL just decided not to work - again - ever. A technician is scheduled and he replaces the cable and everything works - so far.

Friday, August 28, 2009

LoadRunner Doesn't Like 64 Bit Emulation

LoadRunner doesn't like 64 bit emulation over 32 bit machine. It doesn't like long long declaration on .h header file. It spews:
invalid use of `long'
Thus begin the hacking and slashing of sqlite3.h

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Each VUser Must Use Unique Login ID

This is a problem: the web app that I am testing is using the login id as session id. Since I am furnished with data, that has multiple non-unique logins, I have to make sure that all of virtual users are using unique login id.

Several solutions come to mind, but I decided to give LoadRunner VTS a whirl.

Perusing VTS2.doc I quickly hone in lrvtc_send_if_unique function:
VTCERR lrvtc_send_if_unique(char *columnName, char *message)
But this function is pretty much useless since the VTCERR equals 1 no matter if the insertion is successful or not. Trying its cousin instead:
VTCERR vtc_send_if_unique(PVCI pvci, char *columnName, char *message, unsigned short *outRc)
This function returns successful insertion status in outRc parameter (1 = Pass, 0 = Fail).
status = 0;
while (status == 0) {
lr_save_string(lr_eval_string("{pDATAFILEUserName}"), "pUserName");

pvci = lrvtc_connect(lr_eval_string("{pVTSServer}"), 8888, 0);
rc = vtc_send_if_unique(pvci, "pUserName1", lr_eval_string("{pUserName}"), &status);
lr_output_message("Insert if unique, rc = %d, status: = %d", rc, status);

if (status == 0) //try another login in the data file if fail
lr_advance_param("pDATAFILEUserName ");
user_removed = 0; // just another flag
lr_end_transaction("GetUniqueUserName", LR_AUTO);
The login removal process is a trickier than the insert process, since VTS doesn’t have a function to look up a value in a column, a value has to be looked up (one by one):
int removePreviousUserName() { // to eliviate the nasty side effect of exit when error
int rc = 0;
unsigned short status;
int EOT = 0;
int i;
int user_removed = 0;


while (!EOT) {
pvci = lrvtc_connect(lr_eval_string("{pVTSServer}"), 8888, 0);

rc = lrvtc_query_column("pUserName1", i);
lr_output_message("query row %d, rc = %d", i, rc);

if (rc!=0)
EOT = 1;
else {
if (stricmp(lr_eval_string("{pUserName}"), lr_eval_string("{pUserName1}")) == 0) {
lr_output_message("Del msg (%s) at row %d", lr_eval_string("{pUserName1}"), i);
rc = vtc_clear_message(pvci, "pUserName1", i, &status);
lr_output_message("Del msg, rc = %d, Status = %d", rc, status);
lastrowID = i;
EOT = 1; // exit anyway
user_removed = 1;
lr_end_transaction("RemovePreviousUserName", LR_AUTO);
return user_removed;
A little explanation about lastrowID, when a data is deleted from VTS, a value can never be re-inserted into that row again via vtc_send_if_unique function. So, there are lots of empty rows at the lower index after the value is deleted. Thus there is no point for the script to start the search for a login to delete from row 1; instead it should start the search from the last deletion point.

Functionally the script works, but VTS system is not capable of handling multiple virtual users. At 10 virtual users, each running 20 seconds transactions, VTS is throwing numerous -10003 errors, that causes slow GetUniqueUserName transaction:
  • 75% of population: 2.201 +/- 2.912
  • 90 Percentile: 6.506
2.2 seconds on the average to insert unique value? I don’t think so. I need a better solution.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Internet Is All Good

The Alarm app on my BlackBerry seg-faulted this morning. Too bad I was too groggy & pissed off to take a picture, it would be interesting.

Note to self: steal an olde alarm clock from Lisa.

Btw: Internet is all good, looks like I don't need to talk to the good people in St Louis after all.

Monday, August 24, 2009

AT&T Support, The Competency May Varies

AT&T support @ 800-288-2020: FireFox's history/cookies causes the router's red light (DSL) to blink & drop the internet.

I think I should better wait for the good AT&T support (866-865-7685) in St Louis to wake up.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Identifying Location Based On The Soil's Microbial Makeup

Received this email and it raised little hairs on my neck.
from Melanie S
date Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:05 PM
subject JOB: soil microbiome profiling @ LLNL (must be US citizen)

Tom Slezak, Biodefense Group Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,, mentioned last week at the Microarray World Congress,, that he has a funded soil microbiome profiling position currently available.

The candidate must be a US citizen, and should ideally have a PhD in a related field such as bioinformatics and 1-4 years work experience. Tom’s contact information is here:

Specifically, the position/project entails looking at:

* Can soil microbiome profiling characterize locations? To what resolution?
* Determine the ability to characterize locations by analyzing microbial content
* Utilize microarrays and sequencing to determine the ability to resolve where a soil sample came from or rule out locations
* Develop a soil microbiome microarray to provide a low-cost way to ‘fingerprint’ locations
* Determine degree of location resolution possible due to species-level soil microbe differences

Uh-oh Dexter, beware of that dirt on your shoes.

Translating The Name of Month To Number

Another Perl code posted since I am getting tired of rewriting it all the time.
my %months = (
Jan=>1, Feb=>2, Mar=>3, Apr=>4, May=>5, Jun=>6,
Jul=>7, Aug=>8, Sep=>9, Oct=>10, Nov=>11, Dec=>12,
January=>1, February=>2, March=>3,
April=>4, May=>5, June=>6,
July=>7, August=>8, September=>9,
October=>10, November=>11, December=>12,
parseDate('Jan  1 2009 12:00:00:000AM');

sub parseSQLDate {
my ($txt) = @_;

if ($txt =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) {
use DateTime;

my %months = (
Jan=>1, Feb=>2, Mar=>3, Apr=>4, May=>5, Jun=>6,
Jul=>7, Aug=>8, Sep=>9, Oct=>10, Nov=>11, Dec=>12,
January=>1, February=>2, March=>3,
April=>4, May=>5, June=>6,
July=>7, August=>8, September=>9,
October=>10, November=>11, December=>12,

my $dt = DateTime->new(
year => $3,
month => $months{$1},
day => $2,
time_zone => 'floating',

return $dt;

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SQL Server Version

From: How to identify your SQL Server version and edition
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')