Thursday, April 30, 2009

The First 5 Things I do When I Get a New BlackBerry

Riz from Inside BlackBerry Blog ask this question: "what do you do when you first get your device?" in this article.

This is what I always do, after upgrading from 7520 -> 8703e -> 8830:
  1. Make sure the device works: make call to office land line and TALK to real person, shoot an email to people in the office and off-site (personal email account) & setup voice mailbox. This device should function as phone after all.
  2. Just like Riz, change font size: BB Millbank 7 or 8, and make sure I still can read: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
  3. Download favorite apps:
    • Gmail client
    • Google Maps - a recent favorite app after upgrading to 8830
    • Yahoo Messenger
    • Facebook
  4. Again, following Riz, rearrange the application icons (X being non important application):
    • Top: Messages, Call Log, Browser, Gmail, Calendar, Address Book
    • Middle: Alarm, Keyboard Lock, Media Player, X, X, X
    • Bottom: BrickBreaker, Calculator, Google Map, X, X, X
  5. Get the latest OS and desktop upgrade, and test internet tethering.

I Hate April

Tons of crap happened this month - I don't want to look back.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

R&G Lounge

631 Kearny St
San Francisco, CA 94108
Tel: (415) 982-7877

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally we are set, the paper work is done

Looks like we set to have a reception at Ritz Carlton, HMB. Ida received the countersigned agreement.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kozy Korner

213 W Wilson Ave
Glendale, CA 91203
Tel: (818) 242-6608

Nice & small Thai restaurants, but parking is bad and the food is bastardized to suit gringo taste. John loves the Orange Chicken, I agree that it is good.