Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earth Quake

It hit when we were eating lunch at CostCo this morning, one might think that it is weird to eat lunch at 11:40 but a trial of hot dogs bee line at 12:00 might change your mind. When the first shock wave hit, I thought a truck might hit the building, afterward I just enjoyed the prolong shaking.

The earth quake caused all kind of havoc, Metrolink trains were rescheduled, since the company ordered a rail inspection and the first train to pass the route has to run at 20 mph. Luckily ours was not late, San Bernardino people were going home 60 min late.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Circumventing McAfee DLP Filter

The application is blocking iTunes library definition file (iTunes Music Library.xml)

Tried these steps to trick to filter:
  1. Compress the file using winzip and transfer - fail.
  2. Change the extension of compressed filename to .mp3 and transfer - fail.
  3. Change the extension of compressed filename to .txt and transfer - fail.
  4. Compress the file using 7zip and transfer - pass.
All the sudden, I remember Darwin.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Second Shift, Second Job

Works for 3 hours trying to piece together a news/content website, thank god, I am tired. Mainly dealing with Joomla and WordPress.

Man, I really hate Joomla, it is POS.

Menu Unlock Doesn't Work

If I can't unlock using the menu anymore, why bother having the "Unlock" button/selection?

Clicking Unlock will send you this dialog:

Alarm Menu Is Not Intuitive

Why the menu is defaulted to "Copy" after I change the time? Shouldn't it be "Close"?

Installed JL_Cmder To Capture BB Screen Shot

Downloaded JL_Cmder from blackberryfreaks.com, and using it to capture the screen shots on the BB. There are others commands such as deviceinfo, eventlog, wipe and resettofactory (hopefully I wouldn't use the last two).

I will write more of this utility once I figure out more.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Flaw Of Twitter Private Message Workflow

Interesting, the problem, I encountered, is due to me following a fellow, so he could send me a private message. But, since he didn't follow me, I couldn't reply to his private message.

Screwed up workflow - me think.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wrong Again

Took a wrong train again, instead of going to LAUS, I was being taken to San Bernardino. Luckily, I wised up and jumped off at Corona.

I could have arrived home at 6:30 instead of 8, damn.

Going Home Early

Someone took down the DB to the app that I am testing and conducted maintenance for 10 hours. I am going home.

Twit Error

wth? This is achieved by replying to direct message.

Sign Up With Twitter

Alright, I will sign up with Twitter. It doesn't really matter much since I have already treated this blog like micro-blog.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Atomichelix Notify! For BlackBerry Works

Read about it from BerryReview.com and I like the functionality, it is better to have some email saved to your Notes application instead of on the saved folder. It starts working after I upgrade to OS4.2.

Installed OS4.2.1.110 On BB8703e

We'll see how it works, if I am not saying anything: then things are working fine. If not, expect tons of complaints in this channel.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sad Day For America: Senate Passed H.R. 6304: FISA Amendments Act of 2008

The law, roll call, and notes from media (all mentioned retroactive immunity):

Wired's Threat Level: Senate Approves Telecom Amnesty, Expands Domestic Spying Powers

/.: Senate Passes Telecom Immunity Bill

Senate OKs FISA Bill, Immunity For Telecom Firms
Senate Approves Hotly Contested FISA Bill

NYTimes: Senate Approves Bill to Broaden Wiretap Powers

At least Krugman saw glass half full, and like the fact that Medicare funding is cut: Kennedy’s Big Day.

  1. Obama voted yea, as highlighted by Boing2 Gadget: FISA passes providing immunity to wiretapping telcos, although he had sworn to filibuster it.
  2. McCain didn't bother to show up: clever.
  3. Wired's Threat Level pointed out the sinister side of the swing vote: Telecom Amnesty Flip-Floppers Got More Telecom Dollars

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Linux Server

Update machine with the latest security packages.

Lou Malnati's Pizzeria

439 N Wells St
Chicago, IL 60610
Tel: (312) 828-9800

Chicago's signature deep dish pizzeria place the crowd sez, I find BJ's is better.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ticket #34 Of googleappengine

It is now counting 900 against Ruby (1159) and PHP (1218). It is very good growth considering it is half that of Ruby two months ago.

googleappengine issue page.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Bounced Back

Alright - I feel a lot better tonight. Hopefully, it is not the false feeling from the codeine.