Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Decided to call in sick

Friday, April 25, 2008

Southwest Has Been Testing Me

When I was kiasu - they were late
When I was late - they were on time.

Now I am kiasu - they are late again - ETD is now 6PM (previously 5:25PM).

ONT Parking Lot Is Filled To The Brim

It reminds me of the parking at CSUF during mid morning rush. I have to tail someone, who dismount the shuttle bus, to get his/her spot.

YAPC::NA::2008 @ Chicago

Registered and ...


Biggest crack for today:
My friend, a nurse, once had to come out to the waiting room to call for a patient named “Shithead” on the clipboard. After my friend said the name a few times, an angry mother came over and said, it’s not “shit-head,” it’s “Shi-thead.” True story.
Toast to Axel Molotov

Friday, April 18, 2008

Debate Or Smack Down?

Apparently a lot of people are pissed about the questions that George Stephanopoulos and Charles Gibson were asking BO and HC during ABC Democrat Debate last night.
  1. Mark Thoma
  2. Tabarrok
  3. Readers of NYT
Count me in, KPCC decided to air the hot air, and I should have switched to KCRW last night after the first 20 minutes.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Upgrading The O2 Zinc To Mobile 6

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I managed to upgrade the device to Mobile 6 (CE OS 5.2.1437) successfully, and I really like it:
  1. the OS is stable
  2. WIFI setup is easy and connecting to the network is a snap
  3. syncing the device is effortless, ActiveSync 4.5 recognizes the unit once it is connected to the USB cable
Now: Let me see if I could install Skype on this unit.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Koi Palace

365 Gellert Blvd
Daly City, CA 94015
Tel: (650) 992-9000 - silence your speaker: cheezey music ahead.

The website might be cheezey but I warn you: the food is serious. It is simply the best dim sum restaurant in the bay area outside SF.

O2 ActiveSync Experience Is Horrid

I have to bounce the unit in order for the ActiveSync to recognize it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Aggregators That Matters

Back then, I accepted an invitation to join Plaxo since I liked the functionality of Pulse, an application that puts forward the idea of viewing aggregated shared items from my friends.

Several months later - surprise, surprise - Facebook is offering the similar idea by importing all of your publicly shared items into your mini feed.

So far, I still prefer Plaxo's Pulse over Facebook's little hack, since Pulse tracks all of the updates where as Facebook truncates after certain amount of items. Do I need to mention: more sites (Facebook only supports five: flickr, picasa, yelp, and digg as of this writing), rss, filtering and search capability?

Microsoft Mobile 5.0: Journey of Pain

Alright - someone called and I didn't answer it. The OS was not able to destroy the dialog box at the bottom when I tried to dismiss it.

I wasn't able to power down the device since the dialog box was hovering on top of mini confirmation ribbon at the bottom, hence I need to peel open the battery cover. What a pain.

I'll take photos of the failures next time.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Net Neutrality Is "Bollocks"

From boing2: uh-oh.
“This net neutrality thing is a load of bollocks,” Neil Berkett, CEO of Virgin Media said.
One more moron and evil company to add to the shit list.

Winter Scripting Loot: Certificate And Vista Ultimate

Now I have to buy a 1000 rUbbiSh worth of PC for the Vista.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mom And Dad Left



Alright - dad left an O2 device for me to play with.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Petraeus And Croker Are Useless

Instead of fixing Iraq - they have become lawyers for the inadequate Nouri al-Maliki.

Let's face it: US of A doesn't like looser lap dogs, and Croker needs to break it to al-Maliki. Recite Vietnam. While US was tremendously generous back then, current/future administration should make sure that Iraqi higher ups, that fail, are to rot in Iraq, not somewhere else in the western hemisphere.